
“Building relationships in Christ to develop and strengthen faithful followers for life.”


Confirmation is when a Christian is instructed on their baptismal faith and publicly confirms this faith as their own.

Confirmation is a community event in which young Christians become active members of the congregation.

Confirmation is a community event in which young Christians become active members of the congregation. Confirmation is a priority for students and their families, but modern schedules make it difficult for them to prioritize.

Confirmation is a priority for parents, who “uniquely serve as God’s representatives” for their children (Small Catechism 2017 edition, page 81) – See Deuteronomy 6:4-9.


Make Confirmation more self-directed for personal accountability.

Involve more adults in the process, especially the students’ parents.

Provide flexibility without watering down the curriculum.

Equip and empower parents to nurture the faith of their children.

Confirmation Sunday:

Beginning in 2024, Confirmation Sunday will take place each year in October on Reformation Sunday.  As in the past, there will be a special afternoon service in which students will publicly confirm their faith.


  • Beginning in 8th grade
  • Complete journal at home
  • Seven thematic worship services and Unit Check-Ins with parents, mentors, and prayer partners
  • Only one absence allowed
  • Statement of faith, verse banner
  • Celebration interview
The one-year Catechism instruction will use the Guided by Truth Enduring Faith Confirmation Journal. Throughout the journal, students will review key passages from the Bible and learn the six chief parts of Luther's Small Catechism. Students must answer each question in the journal with a 2-3 sentence response. The journal will be completed at home by the student with the assistance of their parents.
The journal contains eight units, each with a varying number of sections. A schedule of approximately two sections per week will be shared. Each unit must be completed in advance of a corresponding thematic worship service and Unit Check-In. Students are allowed to miss only one thematic worship service and Unit Check-In.


  • Beginning in 7th grade
  • Complete assignments at home
  • Six Unit Check-Ins
  • Only one absence allowed
  • Memory verses, faith project
    • *SSLS student(s) who complete middle school religion are exempt

The one year of Bible instruction is completed using the Enduring Faith 30-Lesson Bible Overview workbook from Concordia Publishing House, which is the publishing arm of the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod. This textbook initially introduces the concept of the Bible and how to use it and then teaches the narrative of the Scriptures over the course of 30 individual lessons. Each lesson is four pages long and includes various Scripture readings and questions.

Mentors and Prayer Partners

Each student will be assigned both a mentor and a prayer partner. Mentors will work with 3-4 students and go through the journal at the same time in order to answer questions. Their primary responsibility will be at Unit Check-Ins, but they must be available for questions throughout the year. Prayer partners will be assigned only one student and will promise to pray for their assigned student each day. Their primary responsibility will be at Unit Check-Ins, during which they will pray for the students in person.

Bible Memory Verses

Memorize two memory verses per unit check-in.

Schedule 2024-2025

Bible Instruction Orientation
Sunday, August 18, 2024

Unit 1 Check-In: Bible Basics
Sunday, September 22, 2024

Unit 2 Check-In: The Beginning
Sunday, November 10, 2024

Unit 3 Check-In: The Exodus and Conquest
Sunday, December 15, 2024

Unit 4 Check-In: The Kings
Sunday, January  12, 2025

Unit 5 Check-In: The Life of Christ
Sunday, February 23, 2025

Unit 6 Check-In: The Church
Sunday, March 23, 2025

Presentation of Faith  Projects
Sunday, May 4, 2025
Catechism Instruction Orientation
Sunday, August 18, 2024

Unit 1 Check-In: Faith Habits for the Journey
Sunday, September 22, 2024

Unit 2 Check-In: Commandments
Sunday, November 10, 2024

Unit 3 Check-In: The Creed
Sunday, December 15, 2024

Unit 4 Check-In: The Lord’s Prayer
Sunday, January 12, 2025

Unit 5 Check-In: Baptism
Sunday, February 23, 2025

Unit 6 Check-In: Confession and Absolution
Sunday, March 23, 2025

Unit 7 Check-In: The Lord’s Supper
Sunday, May 4, 2025

Celebration Interviews—Schedule a time between May - August

Confirmation – Reformation Sunday
Sunday, October 26, 2025