Mission, Vision, Values

Our Mission

Connecting People with Jesus

Our Vision

Connecting people with Jesus by nurturing faith, building relationships, and serving neighbors.

Nurturing Faith

Building Relationships

Serving Neighbors

We are saved by grace through faith to receive God's gift of life in salvation (Eph. 2:8.) Therefore, we nurture our faith through worship, prayer, Bible Study, fellowship, discipleship, and service to grow closer in our relationship with Him and one another.
God sends us to make disciples (Matt 28:19.) We do this by building trust and establish relationships with those we connect with in our daily lives. By building relationships in our workplaces, schools, communities and beyond, we can share the stories of how Jesus has impacted our lives so our neighbors experience the love of Christ.
We were created in Christ to do good works (Eph 2:10.) Therefore, we purposely strive to discover the needs of our neighbors and seek to make a difference in their lives through compassion, support, and service in times of need and celebration. The people of St. Stephens do not exist for themselves. God has blessed us to be a blessing.

Our Values

We are People of Prayer

Prayer is our first priority. We are all connected to Jesus and believe He can do more than we ever ask or imagine. (Ephesians 3:20; Matthew 11:28)

We are Joyful Worshippers

We worship in spirit and truth. Regardless of style or location, we seek to honor and praise God with our whole heart. (John 4:23 Psalm 118:24)

We are Disciple-Makers

We nurture disciples of all ages and stages of life. (Matthew 28: 19, Mark 16:15)

We are Kingdom-Driven

We seek to grow the whole Christian church on Earth as it is in Heaven. When it comes to making disciples, our battle is against sin and satan, not other congregations. (Ephesians 6:12; Acts 28:31)

We are Everyday Missionaries

We connect people with Jesus where we live, learn, work, and play. (Acts 2:42-27; Romans 10:14-15; Luke 10:2)

We are Servant Leaders

We love our neighbors by serving , supporting, encouraging, and celebrating with them. (Luke 10:29-37; Ephesians 2:10)

We are Faithfully Generous

We believe we are immeasurably blessed to be a blessing with our Responsibilities, Relationships, and Resources. (Acts 20:35; Ephesians 3:20)